"Rose Levy Beranbaum is a kitchen chemist extraordinaire--this, after all, is the woman who wrote her master's thesis on the effects of sifting on the quality of yellow cake. In "The Cake Bible," she explains the science behind types of leavening, the merits (or not) of sifting, melting chocolate, preheating ovens, and more/5(). Lemon cheesecake, from Rose Levy Beranbaum’s The Cake Bible. Cheesecake is one of my favorite desserts ever, and this is my favorite cheesecake, hands down. She observes that cheesecake is basically a custard (it’s thickened with eggs), so by baking it in a water bath, as one does with custard, you can get a cheesecake that is wonderfully. Anybody who has baked—or even just tasted—Beranbaum’s “Downy Yellow Butter Cake” knows that it inspires religious-like devotion. And her other Bibles (on bread, pie and pastry, and baking, respectively) are no different. Beranbaum’s recipes work—always, every time—thanks to her exactitude.
The Cake Bible. Rose Levy Beranbaum, Dean G. Bornstein. Harper Collins, - Cooking - pages. 11 Reviews. "If you ever bake a cake, this book will become your partner in the kitchen." -- from the foreword by Maida Heatter. This is the classic cake cookbook that enables anyone to make delicious, exquisite cakes. Rose Levy Beranbaum. "She's obsessed. There's really no other way to describe cookbook author Rose Levy Beranbaum and her fixation with the minutiae of baking. If God is in the details, as the aphorism goes, then Beranbaum must have one foot in heaven. For Rose Levy Beranbaum, no detail escapes the pursuit of perfection. Rose Levy Beranbaum's "The Cake Bible" has justifiably become a classic in the many years since its original publication in Aside from bearing the seal of approval of the IACP (International Association of Culinary Professionals, which awarded the book its "Cookbook of the Year" prize in ), take a look at the fact that this book is still not only in print--it's in print in hardcover!
Nestled on a tree-covered mountainside in Warren County is the home of award-winning pastry chef and cookbook author Rose Levy Beranbaum. She shares the house with her husband, Dr. Elliott Beranbaum, but it’s also home to her test kitchen: a baker’s wonderland of seven different ovens, 30 rolling pins, more than 70 whisks and hundreds of pounds of chocolate, sugar and flour. Her first book. Rose Levy Beranbaum. "She's obsessed. There's really no other way to describe cookbook author Rose Levy Beranbaum and her fixation with the minutiae of baking. If God is in the details, as the aphorism goes, then Beranbaum must have one foot in heaven. For Rose Levy Beranbaum, no detail escapes the pursuit of perfection. From The Cake Bible by Rose Levy Beranbaum (William Morrow Co., ) Adapted by www.doorway.ru Yield: 8 Servings Ingredients: 3 Tablespoons milk.